
Master Your Landings, Part 1: Ground School
Here’s an underappreciated fact: landing is mandatory! So let’s invest some time in “Ground School” to strengthen our academic knowledge of the forces at play. We will borrow concepts from full scale aviation but keep all of it relevant to our modeling world while learning what it means to successfully land...

How to Fly a Rolling Circle
A rolling circle is one of the most beautiful maneuvers that can be flown in precision aerobatics. Whether you're a seasoned precision aerobatics competitor looking for an edge or a sport flier looking to impress, I believe you can benefit from the wisdom I’ve earned flying rolling circles in precision competitions...

The Best Way to Set Up Your Transmitter for Precision Flying
The goal of my Targeted Approach is to leverage the power of the transmitter, empowering you to fly precisely and consistently throughout the entire flight envelope. It may be the single most important thing you could do to improve your performance, your airplane, and your enjoyment of this great hobby.

An Introduction to Flight Coach for F3A Pattern - A New and Brutally Honest Coach
Feedback is essential to the progression of pattern skills. It’s also something most pilots don’t get during their practice sessions. Enter: Flight Coach

Redundant Power Systems & Why You Should Use One
There are a lot of great products out there for us to use in RC, but not a lot of information...

Making Weight
“Making Weight” is a weird term that refers to a pattern aircraft being under the maximum weight allowed by the rules...

Centering the Sub-Trim Debate: An In-Depth Analysis
Various opinions exist as to how subtrims affect servo travel, especially when used with dual servos on elevators. This discussion shows data that can help understand subtrims...

LiPo Battery Anatomy, Fire Behavior, and Safe Practices
LiPo batteries have been overcharged, shorted, cut, nailed, etc. in numerous YouTube videos that dramatically demonstrate the potential to make smoke and fire...

Sbus Worth The Fuss?
Are there other reasons, aside from tidiness, to use Sbus, especially in a pattern airplane? Probably...

Basic Aircraft Setup
Trimming an aerobatic aircraft is like learning the game of golf. When you first start out, the game seems fun...

The Real Secret Behind Rudder Authority
This is the foundation of the problems with performance of the model versus the performance of the modeler trying to fly it...

Measuring Incidence Angles and CG Location
Does it even matter? We each may have different criteria for making these measurements...